School update

Hello Falcons!!

Our fourth week of school saw our cross country team successfully finish their season at the Jefferson meet.  Our middle school took a field trip to Big Foot for an outdoor pickle ball tournament during PE class, flag football kept their winning ways, and our volleyball team officially started practice.  Here are FIVE things to know this week:

  1. Our PTSO annual golf outing will be started back up this year.  We will be at Country Club Estates Golf Course on October 9th.  Get your golfing gear out and join us for a fun day of golf and food.  Fliers went home with all students and please call with any questions.  Hope to see you there.
  2. October 14th we are thrilled be bring back our "Loved Ones Lunch" where parents/grandparents/guardians join their Falcon for lunch.  More information to come, but mark your calendars.
  3. Starting Monday, October 3rd, our spirit week will kick off with Pajama Day for Homecoming.  Fliers went home and picture is included with each day.
  4. This year we do not have our typical half-day for the parade on Friday, 10/7/22.  Our band will be marching in the Homecoming parade and we are planning to take our school to the parade to celebrate and cheer on our Falcon Band along with the Big Foot High School community.  We intend to leave school around 1:45p and we will return to school around 2:45p.  This will be a quick trip, but worth the support and spirit for our community.
  5. We have nearly completed all of our benchmark testing with MAP and I-Ready.  We have a few make-up tests to complete and then we will be done for the fall.  Our staff use this data to adjust, enhance, and support ALL students.  We look forward to growing, challenging, and learning every student this year!!
  6. BONUS:  Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence.  Please remember to communicate with our office with any absence and we can support any/all learners that are unable to attend for any reason.

Have a great weekend Falcons and know that coming to school each and every day is vital to your success.  See you all Monday for the always popular PJ Dress Up Day!

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