Hello Falcons!!
Week 7 was our last week of summer school. The three weeks went by quickly, and the learning and fun was evident daily! Mother nature is bringing some extreme heat so be safe and stay cool! Here are FIVE things to know this week:
- Our summer school students experienced outdoor adventure, technology exploration, small/large group teamwork, and personalized learning each day. Thank you to all of our staff for planning/preparing for a successful summer school. Thank you to all of our families for attending and participating!
- The front drive in the parking lot will be closed this week for concrete repair along the sidewalk. Please be cautious and careful as there will be construction along the front of the building. We will be using the front main entrance, when available, and the South entrance by the daycare for the week. Be cautious and safe!
- Don't forget, 4k-8th grade online registration is coming to an end. Please get your Falcons registered as soon as possible. LINK to our registration webpage is HERE.
- As you may have noticed, there was a $15 band fee added this year for those in 5-8th grade. This fee will help offset some of the costs related to reeds, oil, and general instrument maintenance. If you have any questions, or if you need support in meeting this fee, we are happy to help. Please contact our office for any help or questions.
- If anyone is interested in joining our Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) there will be a meeting in the Fontana School library on Wednesday, July 27th at 7pm. Childcare will be available if needed and we are always excited to welcome new members to this long standing, and supportive group of families! See you there next Wednesday!
Have a great week Falcons. Don't let summer be a complete break from learning, even 15-20 minutes of reading will make a significant difference! Be well!
Your Partners in Education