Hello Falcons!!
Week 21 was a bit warmer, which allowed us to get outside more often. The legendary sledding hill on the South playground was a definite highlight of fun this week. Here are FIVE things to know this week:
- Our photo this week is in celebration of a great honored achieved by our very own Kyley Knull. She was awarded her Black Belt recently and her dedication and hard work paid off. Congratulations to Kyley and her awesome achievement.
- As you may know, our school board reviews our Health and Safety protocol monthly, if not more often, to ensure we are operating with a primary focus on student/staff/family safety. AS you may or may not know there is a COVID resources page on our website that has all of our notifications and resources related to COVID. We welcome parent feedback on our health and safety protocol. Our school and school board prioritize safety. You can find our COVID resource page HERE.
- Please be sure your Falcon has warm clothes to play outside each day. We plan to be outside unless the temperature is below zero or if it is raining. Movement, active play, and recess are an important part of the school day.
- We are continuing to plan for our Drone Club and we look forward to putting out more specific details very soon. If you are interested in helping out or if you student is interested in Drone Club please email storrez@fontana.k12.wi.us.
- We will starting our winter benchmark testing this week. It is very important for everyone to get plenty of sleep, proper breakfast, and nutrition. We will be providing snacks during the testing time. Why do we benchmark? Great question. We benchmark our students three times per year (fall, winter, spring) to see growth, areas of need, and strengths. We work on growth and expanding each child, and the benchmarks help us balance support vs. extension programming. K-1 use AimsWeb testing and 2-8 use MAP testing. Please reach out to your teacher or the office for any questions.
We are half-way through the first month of 2022!! Please remember to monitor your symptoms of illness, stay home if you are sick, and prioritize self-care. Have a great weekend and see you Monday.
Your Partners in Education