Hello Falcons!!
There's nothing like taking a week of "spring like" weather after a few weeks of deep freezing!! Week 22 introduced us to what spring might offer in a few months!! Great job to our middle school students on completing their winter benchmark testing in English and Math. We are seeing great growth in all grades and will continue our focus on high levels of learning and growth for ALL students!! Here are FIVE things to know this week:
During the winter months it can be difficult with timing and getting moving some days. We want to remind our families that the doors open at 8am and school learning starts at 8:15a. Being on time and being at school are strong predictors of school success and we want to encourage and support consistent school attendance in any way we can.
The Super Falcon premiere is getting closer! Mark your calendars for Friday March 14th at 7pm and Saturday March 15th at 2pm. Keep your eyes on the Facebook page for a trailer coming soon!
Congratulations to the 13 students that were selected by the Southern Lakes Anthology on getting their writing and/or art work chosen to be published in the next Anthology book!! Savannah (4th), Melody (5th), Charlee (6th), Parker (7th), Ada (7th), Ada & Morgan (7th), Lily (7th), Max (7th), Owen (7th), Millie (8th), Richard (8th), Kinley (8th). Extra kudos to Sammy (5th) for not only getting published, but making it to the final rounds of cover options for the book. Way to go.
Don't forget, starting this Friday, February 7th, we begin our February tradition of Hot Chocolate Friday's during lunch. This is sponsored by our PTSO and donations are accepted to continue this great tradition.
Starting this Monday Fontana will be participating in a Statewide Cereal Box Collection. Our National Junior Honor Society will be collecting cereal boxes each morning during the month of February and we will be donating all cereal to local food pantries. We will also be entering into a film contest with all of our cereal boxes by making a domino exhibition through our school with all of the boxes collected!
Bonus--Thank you to Big Foot for showing our 8th graders around this past week and allowing them a backstage pass to view the great opportunities they have for high school.
PTSO Spotlight--Order forms and payment for Kringles are due next Friday, February 7th. All proceeds benefit the Cultural Arts Program. Kringles will be delivered to school on Thursday, February 27th and available for pickup from 2:00-3:30 or at the science fair that evening.
PTSO Spotlight 2--Teacher Appreciation week will be held February 10th – 14th. Please consider donating items for the Teacher Treat table (see sign up for more information) or contributing to the daily lunches. There are also in-person opportunities to help celebrate such as decorating the teachers’ lounge and helping at recess. Sign up today! LINK HERE
Have a great weekend Falcons and see you all Monday!
Your Partners in Education