School update

Hello Falcons!!

Week 19 was one of our coldest in a long time.  Thank you to our hard working staff who work to make recess and indoor activities as active and fun as possible when outside spaces are not available.   Movement, physical activity, and structured freetime is critical to a successful school day.  Here are FIVE things to know this week:

  1. Our next PTSO event will take place next Sunday, January 28th from 2-6pm at 10 Pin Pub.  Door prizes, fun, and a great way to spend a winter Sunday with friends and family.  The link to sign up for your lane of bowling is included:
  2. Additionally, our PTSO is accepting donations for raffle and auction items before next Sunday's event.  You can email Stacy Becker at with your donation ideas/items.
  3. As many families know, we share our school with the Big Foot Recreation Department all summer.  They use our school to host their summer camp from June through August.  Below is a flier with more information, including registration information.  We are grateful to share our building and provide a great space for our community to use during the summer months.
  4. Some weather related information to support our communication and teamwork.  For temperature decisions we use the "feels like" temperature and/or windchill temperature while consulting with the National Weather Service, bus/transportation services, and other local school districts.  For recess, our students will be outside as long as the temperature is above zero (0) degrees.  For school closing due to cold weather we begin consideration when temperatures are below -35F.  Please contact Steve Torrez (, 815-275-6881 ext. 205) directly with any questions or suggestions.  We encourage and appreciate communication and teamwork with our school community.
  5. While school was closed for students this past Friday, our entire staff was able to meet together to focus on student learning data and high quality teaching in every classroom.  All staff members are a part of a collaborative team to support every student, every day.  We use every inservice to improve our teaching, student learning, and collaboration.

Have a great Sunday Falcons and see you all tomorrow for a great Monday!!

Your Partners in Education